Little Magazine 12


The Conun-drum

that is eyebrows. The term is thrown around so frequently now that it’s universally acknowledged as aesthetically—even culturally relevant and important, but do we even know why? Let’s cover the basics here today just in case you didn’t wake up with a comprehensive understanding of eyebrows this morning, so that you can be privy to the whole #browsonfleek situation! We’re not going too in-depth today, though, because frankly, I could talk all. Day. About these puppies. So let’s cover: how brows impact your face, how to know whether a brow situation (ie- shape, color, intensity, size, etc.) is suited for you. And since the topic will most likely give you a headache (jk)😆 I’ll show you some acupressure points that you can use to self-soothe afterwards.

If you’re blessed

with a nice fluffy pair of brows, then you learn very early on how to use them to your advantage. They add flair and character to your expression🤨 and influence the flavor of your default face. There’s even a term for it. The “eyebrow flash,”⚡️ which considers brows as sort of an exclamation point for the face. Fear 🥺and surprise 😳, for example, is a subconscious give-away that we express with our brows. Even forensic psychologists use the brows as a gauge to help decode nonverbal human behavior. Are you aware of what “messages” your face might be giving away that you’re unaware of? Let’s chat about it.

Many people are aware of the nonverbal cues that they’re conveying. It’s part of being an adult—being self-aware. Not sporting a green mohawk 🧑🏼‍🎤into the corporate office, or smiling 🤪in a serious meeting for no apparent reason… are all a part of the social cues we pick up during the socialization process. The more subtle parts are in the personal choices that we make every day are the ones that people are less apt to comment on, however. Yes, even those closest to us. 👀 People may not necessarily comment on why you chose to wear an aubergine-colored blouse with those green pants, for example, or why you choose to draw in your eyebrows that way! 🙈 And if you don’t give a hoot about your eyebrows and you’re confident witcho bad-self, then more power to you, sista-brother-friend. But in case you’re curious, read on.

Brows are the frame

for your entire face. Not just the eyes. A well-chosen frame will not only highlight the art, but it will dignify the art without ever assuming itself as the center piece. Let’s go over how the brows should frame your face and also what they shouldn’t do.

+ Brows should look natural. 🌱 For me, this means the eyes should always be the focal point, and where people are drawn to look immediately and foremost, above everything else on the face, including the brows. In other words, they should be secondary, even when they’re striking. - Don’t make them an unnatural shape, too dark for the context (ie no makeup), or too big. They should follow your natural bone structure, which never changes.

+ Brows should match the tone of who you are. If you’re an au naturel gal, you probably shouldn’t have hyper-defined, perfectly stenciled-in brows. It needs to match your vibe, in other words. - Don’t go by trends. Trends are fleeting. You’re not wearing your clothes from ten years ago, are you? Your face shouldn’t either.

+ Brows should be age appropriate. 12-year olds shouldn’t have full makeup-eyebrows, and 70-year olds should have a 70-something looking brow, that matches their vibe. Bone structure changes as you age. Your face loses volume and elasticity. Your brows should still be flattering and be considerate of these changes.🌹- Don’t have a closed mind. Consider a new shape that may be more youthful, which may also mean slightly bigger sometimes (if considering PMU- permanent makeup). Gradual is good. Drastic is bad.

+ Brows should follow the contours of your face, meaning they should be softer in the front (generally speaking), and taper into a darker tone towards the tail. If someone’s looking at you straight-on, the contours of the face lead the eye to see shadows around the perimeter of the face. If you have an intensely blocked, unnatural front, chances are it’s distracting more than enhancing. - If you’re looking surprised, sad, angry, tired, or anything else that’s untrue— it may be due to your brow shape! Consider consulting a shaping professional to see what’s best suited for you. 🤗

It may seem trivial,

but I’ve had countless clients tear up in my chair. No one knows the struggle of another person unless they’ve walked in their shoes or heard their story👣. We may be like—chill, they’re brows, what's the big deal? But for them, having the perfect brows might mean reclaiming their identity and acquiring a sense of normalcy again after a battle with cancer. It might mean finding a renewed sense of confidence after feeling old and obsolete. It might mean being treated with dignity and kindness when people were always short with them because people always thought that the person was grimacing. You never know, until you know. I say that brows are the quickest, most non-invasive and economical way to transform your entire face. I’ve had a client say “Renee, I’ve had so much plastic surgery (she's not shy and I love her for that), and the brows are the only thing that people noticed and said I look better, younger and more refreshed afterwards!” It is what it is! 😌💗 So—now that you know, treat your brows with a little more intention and appreciation! Who knew they were putting in so much work for ya! 🙃 And hopefully this goes without saying, but JIC—choose your brow artist wisely! I always say—it only takes one time (to screw them up).

Tippy Tip:

A quick 5-minute Self-Acupressure 💆🏼 focused on your eyes:

Use whatever finger you’re comfortable with and press on your “Yintang Point” smack between your eyebrows (aka the glabella), and gently press and apply pressure for 30 seconds. If it doesn’t feel comfortable, obviously, ❌ stop immediately. I am not a medical or accupressure professional so proceed at your own ⚠️ risk! I placed my thumb upside down on the area, rested my elbow on my desk and let gravity apply pressure on my thumb and into my forehead. Take deep breaths. Might as well get your zen on. 😁

The seventh cranial nerve serves this area. Applying pressure here may help alleviate headaches, insomnia, dizziness and nasal problems. How cool is that.

If you’re feeling fancy, you can press on the front of the brow (I used my middle and ring fingers together), then the mid-point, then the tail and out to the temple. All while lifting the skin upwards, not pressing downward on the brow. This will collectively address the Gallbladder meridian, Bladder meridian, the eyes, glaucoma, headaches, trigeminal neuralgia, conjuctivitis, and relax the eyes.

If you have no eyebrows after this exercise, perhaps it’s time to schedule an appointment with us. Hehe.

With or without brows, you are perfect and beautiful, friends. 🙏🏼 See you next Tuesday. -Renee :)

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